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Editor's Note

In Septem­ber 2020, Eita! Magazine opened for sub­mis­sions for the very first time. As a brand new on­line zine, we never ex­pec­ted to re­ceive 230 sub­mis­sions, but alas, we did. How­ever, we only had four slots for Is­sue #0, which would be re­leased later that year. To say that hard de­cisions were made is an un­der­state­ment: there’s just so much di­versity in nar­rat­ives com­ing from Brazil—maybe be­cause we are a pop­u­la­tion of 192 mil­lion people liv­ing in the fifth largest coun­try in the world—and we couldn’t pos­sibly fit everything our writers have to tell in one in­aug­ural is­sue.

So we made a second one.

Don’t get me wrong—it’s still not enough to show­case everything we want to present to you, but it’s double what we ini­tially in­ten­ded to have from that first sub­mis­sion win­dow. We still had to make a ton of hard choices, but we be­lieve we have a strong se­lec­tion of stor­ies for your en­joy­ment. On this is­sue we also se­lec­ted a spe­cial some­thing, a piece of Brazilian proto-sci­ence fic­tion by renowned au­thor Lima Bar­reto (1881-1922), a black writer with enorm­ous in­flu­ence in Brazil and whose works were al­ways filled with so­cial cri­ti­cism. The Pan­plan­et­ary Con­gress—his story on this is­sue—isn’t any dif­fer­ent, and we hope to bring you a spe­cial some­thing about this story through our bi-weekly news­let­ter, News­le­tra, so if you’re still not sub­scribed, go ahead and do it. I prom­ise, it’s worth it, there’s some amaz­ing con­tent be­ing cre­ated es­pe­cially for you over there.

If di­versity in SFF writ­ing is some­thing that res­on­ates with you and that you think is im­port­ant, con­sider sup­port­ing us on Patreon. Our ini­tial tier is $1 and you’ll only be charged per is­sue. At this point in time, 100% of the money raised there is be­ing used to pay our au­thors. Our amaz­ing team of ed­it­ors, PR and so­cial me­dia man­agers, trans­lat­ors, copy ed­it­ors, artists, web­mas­ters, and col­lab­or­at­ors is still work­ing vol­un­tar­ily to make all of this hap­pen. It’s a bunch of Brazilian pro­fes­sion­als scattered all over the coun­try—and the world!— who deeply be­lieve in this pro­ject to pro­pel our voices out to the world.

I’d like to thank our core team, com­posed of An­dré Col­a­belli, Larissa Pic­chioni, Lu­cas Fer­raz, Nat­alle Moura, Raphael An­drade, and Vanessa Guedes for all their hard work and will­ing­ness to go through with this pro­ject, even when it felt like too much. I’d also like to thank our team of highly skilled pro­fes­sion­als who vo­lun­teered to work with us know­ing we can’t (yet) af­ford to pay for their in­cred­ible job: Amanda Pavani, Diogo Ramos, Fe­lipe Melo, Fran­cine Emilia Costa, Júlia Ser­rano, Luiza An­selmi Can­toni, Lí­gia Col­ares, Maria Anna Leal Mar­tins, and Ren­ata Torres. Thank you all!

Now is the time that all of the hard work pays off: when you dive into the stor­ies. So go ahead, turn these vir­tual pages, and jour­ney down these tales told by Brazilian voices.

Iana A.



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