Despite all odds, Brazil is going through its most prolific moment for SFF stories. There are many publishing houses and online zines popping up everywhere and releasing amazing new stories every day. At the same time, our writers’ attention to the international market is increasing, and the interest for SFF in translation as well. We can see it in some other initiatives such as Samovar and the new Constelación Magazine. With that in mind, we want to give our writers a first shot of having their work published in English, and to showcase to the world the talents and creativity that are bursting throughout our multicultural and multifaceted country.
The special Brazilian Issue of Strange Horizons, released in September 2019, was the igniter to conceive Eita! Magazine. The article “The State of Play of Brazilian SFF”, written by Jana Bianchi, explores and details this flourishing market in Brazil. At the same time, the foreword to the same edition written by Dante Luiz showed that only four Brazilians were published in the anglophone zines that year. Now, putting this together with the hundreds of submissions received by Strange Horizons for the Brazilian issue, there is a clear imbalance.
And so this zine blossomed into existence, crowned by the name Eita, which is an interjection spoken (or, more commonly, shouted) from all corners of Brazil. It’s an extremely versatile word that can express surprise, pity, confusion, dismay or joy.
A diverse and multi-talented team was put together, composed of people who have been writing and actively participating in the Brazilian SFF community for many years: editors who have been involved with zines and anthologies, skilled translators, social media professionals and talented artists. All working alongside each other and voluntarily, to better showcase the phenomenal works of science fiction and fantasy Brazil has to offer.
For the first issue, we received 230 valid submissions. It presented us the hard task of selecting only 4 stories among many truly incredible ones. We feel that the stories we chose represent what we want to publish. It resulted in a nice mix of different styles and characters. Our authors, Isabor Quintiere, Miguel Dracul, Lais Dias and Thiago Ambrósio, were joined by the legendary Brazilian author Machado de Assis, from whom we present a short story never before published in English.
For our next editions, we plan to publish longer stories. We also have tons of new amazing ideas for this project, like publishing more frequently, creating fun and exclusive content for our newsletter and maybe even getting into comics! If you enjoy this issue, help us pay our authors and dream of new amazing plans by supporting us on Patreon.
The Eita! Magazine's Team