Our issue 0 received so many submissions we were able to make an entire second issue out of them! Like our first issue, we didn’t have a theme and only published these stories in English, but they are just as great.
Buy this issue to read our classical story: The Panplanetary Congress, by Lima Barreto, about the barbarous actions of the government of Jupiter, hidden by a cloak of incredibly boring congresses.
Credits for this issue
André Colabelli
Iana Araújo
Lucas Rafael Ferraz
Vanessa Guedes
André Colabelli
Iana Araújo
Natalle Moura
Vanessa Guedes
Copy editors
André Colabelli
Júlia Serrano
Marina Ferreira
Natalle Moura
Vanessa Guedes
Cover art and internal illustrations
Raphael Andrade
eBook design
Lucas Rafael Ferraz
Social media management and Communications
Larissa Picchioni
Special thanks
Jana Bianchi