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Lis Villas Boas
13 min read
The Maker of Duramere
At the street market of the galaxies, architect Cipriano, a sensitive reptilian humanoid, gets an unexpected request from a human lady.

Bruno Vial
11 min read
Heart of Others, Land of None
The city of Porto vicariously lives a story of love and generational conflicts through a curupira and a coco.

Moacir Fio
12 min read
There Used to be Birds
Alisson and Dalva are guided by a mysterious entity to build a make-believe town in the mangrove.

Elisa de Magalhães e Guimarães
4 min read
Tânia (Rio de Janeiro)
A wikipedia article describes the curious case of Tânia, a retired woman who melted, merged to the ground and turned into a city.

Márcio Moreira
14 min read
Something strange is happening in Fortaleza. Traffic lights bloom flowers and drugstores sprout from crossroads.

Iana A.
3 min read
Editor's Note
What you are readÂing is a banÂquet, colÂlectÂively preÂpared by the careÂful hands of Brazilian writers, copyÂedÂitÂors, transÂlatÂors,...

Saren Camargo
6 min read
Granny's House
A young trans girl seeks a local witch's house to be taken in by her.

Frederico Toscano
7 min read
A goat roams around Polidoro’s house, driving him crazy with the ringing of the bell on its neck.

Giu Yukari Murakami
10 min read
Through batchan's hands
When the branches of a mango tree break into her room and wrap around her body, a young woman understands what she needs to do to free he...

LuÃsa Montenegro
8 min read
The Alien’s Feast
A woman reconnects with memories of BrasÃlia’s construction and the day she showed up at the local settlement accompanied by an alien.

Wilson Júnior
7 min read
Free Womb
An old lady goes back to the farm where she was enslaved as a young girl and faces some ghosts from the past.

Iana A.
2 min read
Editor's Note
In SeptemÂber 2020, Eita! Magazine opened for subÂmisÂsions for the very first time. As a brand new onÂline zine, we never exÂpecÂted to...

Jana Bianchi
2 min read
I transÂlate books, comÂics, and board games for a livÂing. It’s my dream job, so I may be a little biased when I say it’s the best job...

Amanda Nunes Alvarenga
4 min read
Please open this letter while I'm at work
A young woman leaves a letter to her mother. She has many secrets to share.

Santiago Santos
4 min read
No Salary JusÂtiÂfies CerÂtain TribuÂlaÂtions
Doizirmo is a perfect employee in the city’s most prestigious hotel, but sometimes one just has to deal with an attack by alien warriors.

Marina Melo
5 min read
How to deal with inconvenient guests
Haunting houses is a serious matter, and this ghost rises up to the job.

Michel Peres
9 min read
Nilsinho Pause
We look at the life of Nilsinho Pause, the most beloved and hated artist from Bahia in a gonzo future.

Eita! Magazine
2 min read
Editor's Note
DesÂpite all odds, Brazil is goÂing through its most proÂlific moÂment for SFF storÂies.

Rachel Cordasco
3 min read
The last couple of years have brought AngloÂphone readÂers sevÂeral new pubÂlicÂaÂtions that feaÂture specÂuÂlatÂive ficÂtion in transÂlaÂti

Isabor Quintiere
4 min read
The Prokaryotes Serenade
On a distant planet, microscopic creatures dance to an unknowable song.
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